Stay connected with your family and friends

Be committed to keeping your friends connected with you and your network — especially when disruptions and frequent changes make normal communication more difficult.

I know that many of us are facing unexpected challenges including keeping in touch with each other, so I wanted to share a few things you can do now to get ahead of these challenges and stay connected.

Here are some tips, to help you get started with connection and communications.

• Share frequent updates

Posting is a great way to communicate and keep family and friends informed when you are experiencing changes. Share the ways you are keeping safe.

• Keep up with your relationships

Let people know when they can reach you. Make sure you are clear on how and when you can be reached.

• Set up online events

Look at your previous social events and see how you can do move most of them online. People are always on their phones and computer now that they are home.

Host free events to catch up and see people.

• Need more resources on how to get started, drop me a line. Let’s start.

If you would like me to help you brainstorm on how to use your time during this disruption on personal time and communication send me a message and I will be sure to get back to you. 

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